Supported filetypes: STL, STP & PDF
Max. size: 96.0 MB
Select the category of material you wish to print with:
Select the type of plastic you want to print with:
ABS filament - Strong and durable plastic, good heat resistance. Good for functional parts.
PLA filament - Strong plastic, low durability, low cost and low heat resistance. Good for detailed non functional parts.
Nylon filament - Strong and durable plastic, good heat resistance and good flexibility. Good for wear and chemically resistant parts.
TPU filament - Very durable and elastic polymer. Good for flexible parts.
Ultem filament - Very heat resistant and strong plastic. Good for heat resistant parts.
SLS Nylon 12 Powder - Strong and flexible plastic, high level of detail. Good for a versatile range of parts.
High Resolution Resin - High level of detail, wide range of properties. Good for high detail parts.